Mid Day Meal – Monday to Saturday ,all the students take the meals at school, prepared by MDM Agency.  Headmaster andStaff monitor the mid-day meals 

One of the staff members will taste everyday. PET Smt. Jyothi Kumari is the supervisor of Mid-day Meals.


Health kits given to girl students three times in a year.

 Instructions of health and  hygiene are given by Smt Ch. Srilatha and Mrs. D. Praveena Jyothi,who got trained by Women and Child welfare Department,Warangal


Self Defence training like “KARATE” given toGIRL students from 8 to 10th class. The coaching is given three months in every  year. -Amount of Rs 9000/ will be sanctioned by SSA -Hyderabad to pay as Honorarium to Qualified instructor,who will train the students thrice in a week .




Vocational Education by Mrs. V. Rani and Mrs. D. Praveen Jyothi

Bread Society Library Organisation headed by Dr. Kakani Ramarao provided Library to Our school with Almirah and 400 reading books. He is the Secretary of Bread Society, USA

Library Incharges in our school:


Smt. R. Padmavathi

Sri G. Adi Reddy,


Digital lessons using K-Yan and Projector, Incharge is K.Sandeep Kumar

Health Check-Up by the Medical and Health Department twice in a year.

Primary health issues identification and medicines given by the health department and those need complete health check-up will be taken to Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital (MGM),Warangal


          Donors Corner

Free Notebooks,Exampads, Geometry Boxes, School Bags, Dictionaries will donated to needy (Orphans/Semiorphan)


Rotary club,Lions Club,Vasavi Club,Inner Wheel club and Other generous Persons

provide  donations